Spring 2025 Shipping Schedule: 2/28/2025
Astilbe is a very popular, rugged, versatile shade lover that thrives in moist conditions. They produce colorful, elongated flower plumes above divided fern-like green foliage in the summer and add bursts of impressive color to the garden landscape. Best yet, they are low maintenance, attract butterflies and are deer and rabbit resistant. They are quite diverse with hundreds of varieties to choose from. Each overachieves in providing splendid flower shows. Plant in groups or en mass to create a ground cover. Great for cutting when they are half opened.
About this Variety
Astilbe Everchanging Peaches and Cream changes color from white to pink then to a more apple blossom color as its flower plumes mature during the season. A nice soft contrast atop glossy green foliage. Best of all this exotic is fragrant, attracts pollinators and withstands adverse conditions so much better than the other varieties in this genus. It will even climb given some minimal support.
- Beautiful flower plumes
- Changes color during bloom period
- Continuous bloomer
- Excellent for cut flowers
- Beneficial to pollinators; attracts butterflies
Partial shade
Grows 22-26" tall
Plant 18-24" apart, 1.5-2" deep
USDA Zones:
Grow as Perennial in zones 4-8. Grow as Annual elsewhere.
Growing Instructions
Plant in organically rich, evenly moist, well draining soils.
Care Tip
Does not tolerate hot summer temperatures and is a good choice for moderate climates. Likes moist conditions.