Spring 2025 Shipping Schedule: 2/28/2025
Begonias are one of the most stunning if not THE most stunning additions to the shade garden. Begonias love growing and blooming in the shade unlike most other flowering plants. Expect to enjoy blooms summer to frost! Begonias come in many different types. The most common cultivated groupings are cane-stemmed, rex-cultorum, rhizomatous, semperflorens, shrublike, tuberous and winter-flowering. We primarily focus on tuberous begonias, which is what the following planting information is in reference to. Tuberous begonias are available in upright growing habits (grown in beds, borders, planters) as well as pendulous, cascading habits (grown in hanging baskets, window boxes and containers). There are endless options in bloom size and color!
About this Variety
Begonia pendula Mix contains cascading varieties ideally planted in hanging baskets hung on decks or patios, or suspended from the branches of a tree. It produces large, vibrant blooms of red, yellow, white, pink and orange.
- Provide color all summer to fall
- Deer & critter resistant
- Perfect for containers, hanging baskets, window boxes, garden beds and borders
- Bright, showy blooms
- Easy color for shade gardens
Partial shade to full shade
Summer to Fall
Grows 6-12" tall
Plant 10-12" apart, 1-2" deep
USDA Zones:
Grow as Perennial in zones 8-10. Grow as Annual elsewhere.
Growing Instructions
Jump start begonias indoors in pots or flats in January. Fill the container with damp peat moss evenly leveled to the top. Press tubers into the damp peat but do not cover. Begonia tubers will rot if they become wet and cold. Keep pots in a warm place day and night (60-65ºF) and keep the peat moss moist. In the spring after all danger of frost has passed and the plants are around 3" high they can be transplanted outdoors into a shady area of the garden. The ideal soil is rich, porous and drains well but still holds enough water for the roots. If your soil is heavy clay and drains slowly, or very sandy and does not hold water, add organic soil amendments like peat moss or ground bark. Spread a 3-4 inch layer of soil amendment if needed, add fertilizer and incorporate into the soil to a depth of 10 inches. Plant 1-2" deep and 6-12" apart (depending on type). When planting a large quantity of tubers in one bed, excavate the entire area to the recommended depth, work fertilizer into the bottom of the trench, set out tubers and then cover tubers all at once.Water thoroughly at planting. While actively growing, water frequently and thoroughly so that water will reach the roots. Mulch to keep the soil cool and to prevent the soil from drying out. Begonias will bloom in approximately six weeks and will continue to bloom until frost. For container planting, plant 2-5 tubers per 12" pot. After blooming, remove the foliage, dry and clean the tubers and store in dry peat moss or vermiculite at approximately 40ºF.
Care Tip
Tuberous begonias require winter dormancy. Dig up tubers in the fall after the tops appear to have died back and the soil is completely dry. Being extra careful, clean the soil from the tubers and store in a warm, dry location over the winter. Start the planting process again for spring!